
Graphics Cards & PPC

====================================================================== ====================================================================== Ty North London Phone 07970-755-641 (Mobile) Anytime. Advice on:- Graphics_Cards, PPC, Internet. ====================================================================== Robert Williams Southend Phone 01268-565-128 Advice on:- DeskTop Publishing, PPC, Graphics Cards. ============================================================= Robert Davis Kingston-On-Thames Surrey Phone 0181-224-0802 Advice on:- PPC, Photogenics, Software in general, PowerFlyer. ============================================================= Ian Higgins East Dereham Norfolk Phone 01362-853-964 (After 8.00pm Saturday & 1.00pm Sunday) email ihiggins@ukonline,co.uk ICQ 38890272 Advice on:- Powerup & BVision, Warp3D & StormMesa,Internet, Amiga O.S, MAC Emulation, Graphics 2D & 3D, Amiga's in general especially A1200's, Towering A1200. ====================================================================== ====================================================================== ====================================================================== Contents : Part 1 : About Amiga HelpLine Part 2 : Music Part 3 : Video Part 4 : Hardware Part 5 : Software Part 6 : Games Part 7 : Programming Part 8 : Workbench Part09 : Radio and the Amiga Part10 : Graphics and 3D Raytracing Part11 : DeskTop Publishing Part12 : Applications Part14 : Internet Part15 : Digital Cameras Part16 : Networking